Ready to take action on your wellness reset?

I am a lot like you.  I’m a wife, mother, daughter, and friend… just trying to juggle all that life throws at me. 

For years I ran myself ragged trying to keep it all together… health, kids, spouse, career, parents, friends, housework.  I tried so hard to get it all right.  And I did for a while… a long while… until I didn’t.  Yep! I crashed and burned.  I didn’t understand what happened or why my “well-oiled machine” just stopped working, why I simply shut down. I remember thinking I’ve got to find a way to fix this… to fix me.  There’s no time to be “stuck” and “shut down”, but I was so tired! 

Frustrated and overwhelmed, I tried to find the answer to my crash and burn, to put the puzzle pieces together: 

  • I went to a nutritionist,

  • I saw a counsellor…lots of times,

  • I tried all kinds of weight loss plans,

  • I even paid big bucks to join a gym (and went all of twice),

  • I went to church and prayed with someone there

For a long time, I didn’t share my struggles with anyone because I thought I was the only one struggling.  Until one day I opened up to others and guess what? They were struggling, too… just like me. And just like me, the piecemeal approach was a lot of work, and it didn’t work.  None of us had the energy or the information we needed to get the results we needed.  

I didn’t know then that what we were all searching for is called “whole-person wellness” –help for mind, body, and spirit.  I discovered the whole-person wellness approach, and it changed my life.  It worked!  I found my way back to me!  And now, I want to share it with everyone I know!  

Why should you have to work as hard as I did? 

And, so, in 2019… together with Sylvia and Li, I founded a non-profit called Serenata Wellness, whose mission is to resstore and promote welbeing by providing experiences that empower, equip, and support people and communities on their whole-person wellness journey.  We took the guesswork out of putting your wellness puzzle together and have curated experiences that are unlike any others.

Our team of vetted wellness professionals including registered dieticians, psychotherapists, exercise physiologists and more, integrate eastern and western approaches.  Not to worry!   This isn’t anything “new age”.  Our team uses evidence-based tools and techniques to help you achieve breakthrough in your stuck places.   

Our team is ready to teach and show you how beautifully you are made and how perfectly integrated your mind, body, and spirit are designed to be.