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Combating your anxious thoughts with a challenge!

Feeling anxious? Fear and worry got you feeling stuck and overwhelmed? Sleeping and eating off track?

Everybody seems to be feeling anxious these days. In fact, research tells us that anxiety is at an all-time high. And it’s sure tricky to manage life when you’re anxious. That’s because anxiety activates the fear center of your brain—your “fight-flight-freeze” center.

Sounds like the problem is your brain, but it could also be your gut—your “second brain”. Here’s why! Neurotransmitters responsible for calmness and well-being are found in the gut more than in the brain. So, if your gut isn’t healthy, these important “messengers” can’t make their way to your brain. It’s like there’s static in the brain-gut communication! Your brain can’t help you manage fear and worry because it’s not getting the message.

Here’s an idea for anxiety… give it a try!

The 30-plant challenge!

Try eating 30 different plants in a week. Sound impossible? Nah! Take a trip to the produce section. You probably typically only buy a handful of fruits and vegetables but take a look around. You’ll find tons of new and interesting colors, shapes, sizes, textures. Put something different in your cart and have some fun experimenting.

At Serenata Wellness it’s our passion to help people just like you live life fully and anxiety free!

Contact us today and set your course for your whole-person wellness journey and a healthier brain and gut.